Friday, October 28, 2011

She's a vegetarian...

I’ve been working out like a crazy person lately (pretty on par with my life) and I don’t seem to be losing any lbs. 
I’ve always been very athletic, playing sports every season, bla bla bla… But I don’t really look like an athlete. 
I will say I notice changes in my body when I’m committed to certain exercise regiments… like when I rode RAGBRAI I noticed my quads were solid gold.  And I went to do one of my least favorite moves (pushups) on Wednesday and noticed I could actually do a real pushup! On my toes! 
Now, I’m not going to sit here and pretend that I don’t know why I have a little extra junk in the trunk…  I like sweets.  I can take down a package of Halloween Oreos in 3.5 days.  I just like food.  I like looking at pictures of food, I like spending 2 hours cooking a meal for my parents, I like telling people about amazing restaurants… 
One thing that makes me a little queasy however, meat that other people have cooked…  I love a grilled steak or a curried salmon.  I have an entire small chicken in my fridge sitting next to three chicken breasts… But I just like to know what the meat looks like before it gets cooked… It’s just a phobia.  Carnophobia if you will. 
I’ve always said I can’t go vegetarian because of my intense love for meat… But in my old age (I’m 26…) I’m starting to wonder if there’s a whole new world out there full of quinoa burgers and tofu that I’m missing out on!
Mean girl side note- there was a girl on my floor in college who was a vegan and ate vegan cookies and pizza and didn’t touch vegetables… She wasn’t fit and fabulous.    
All this said, I’m considering a move to pescatarianism. (I’m a proud sushi junkie.)
So this is my plan: 3 days a week in November I’ll be a pescatarian, 5 days a week in December and if all goes to plan, a full-fledged pescatarian by New Years. 
If you know me, I make crazy plans like this all the time… so stay tuned to see how long this lasts. 
In other, but still slightly related news… here’s what’s on the menu for the next 2 weeks. 
Pumpkin oatmeal- I can’t remember where I got this recipe.  I’ll look for it and get back to you.
Roasted chicken- Hence the entire chicken in my fridge. 
Cajun Chicken Pasta-
Sweet potato and onion hash with an egg- A pretty customary go-to
Quesadillas- Just cheese.  Slightly over cooked.  Love of my life. 

Friday, October 21, 2011

ABCs for Me

Age: 26... wait... right? 

Bed size: Full... I think...  This isn't starting off very promising. 

Chores that you hate: Dishes.  

Dogs: Don't have any.  Unless you count Elsa and Emma who live with Emily and Andy in Chicago...

Essential to start your day: Snooze, Snooze, Snooze, Snooze... Spinning.

Favorite color: mustard

Gold or silver: Gold

Height: 5'9"

Instruments you play: Piano-ish, I played saxaphone in HS, but I tried a few years back and I couldn't get a sound out of it.  

Job title: Multimedia Producer

Kids: I like kids, I don't like awkward kids. 

Live: College Football.  The touchdowns seem so exciting... And few and far between if you're a Cyclone fan.

Mothers name: Denise

Nicknames: Giggles, Crystle Beth... 

Overnight hospital stays: We were just talking about this at work.  I stayed in the hospital for 2 nights in June when I got mono and tonsillitis and got super dehydrated.  They had all you can eat ice cream, but they wouldn't let me eat it until the second night. 

Pet peeves: Grammar

Quote from a movie or TV show: I don't know what to do with my hands!

Right or lefty: Righty

Siblings: Younger brother, Jonathan.  Lives in NYC.  :)

Time you wake up: I aim for 9, but usually 10:30...  I work late people!  

Underwear: Aerie from American Eagle.

Vegetable you hate: Celery

What makes you run late: Showers.  So I don't always take them.  I'm generally about 20 minutes early. 

X-rays you've had: arms, legs, joints, head, jaw... 

Yummy food you make :Everything. I frequent for ideas.  

Zoo animal: Elephants.  :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pinterest Crayon Project

 I saw a picture on Pinterest that said, 'I Actually Made Something I Found On Pinterest!'.  Well, I've made a lot of food I've found on Pinterest.  And this Crayon project is ALL OVER Pinterest.  I fell in love with it the moment I found it.  And I had some white-washed boards that had been sitting around for MONTHS just waiting for a painting.  

So I started by hot-gluing the crayons to the top of the board.  I bought a 64 pack plus another 24 pack and took out most of the blacks and browns.  I used some grays to flank each side of the picture and I kinda wish I didn't.  But I still love it. 
Then I used the blowdryer on high and hot and melted the Crayons.  They start to get shiney and start to drip.  I had to adjust the angle of the board so it didn't drip as quickly.  
  My mom thought the hot glue was going to melt, but it held up.  

I went over the big glops with the dryer to kinda break them up.

I love the way it looks.  My friend called while I was doing it and she said one of our other friends did it last week... So maybe everyone will have one.  But I still love it.  And it was easy as pie.

Not sure if I'm going to leave it on my stand or hang it.

More Pinterest projects to come! 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Freaking Favorites

It's not Friday, nor is it "my Friday". But I want to post pictures of my favorite things.  And it's my freaking blog! So I'm going to freaking do whatever I freaking want!

 I like this print.
 I freaking LOVE this idea.  However, keep in mind that I will need to be able to stuff my wedding dress into my underwear because I'm NOT getting left out of this one.
 Two nail pics in one blog.  Freaking get over it.
 They used stickers.  Perfect.
 Love this bag
 These prints alone-favorites.  These prints together- FREAKING FAVORITES
Love these dresses.  I freaking love sparkles.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pumpkin Pie Blizzards and Full Wheel

I have a few updates to some of my latest blogs. 

First of all, HUGE thanks to Elizabeth who brought me a perfectly portioned Pumpkin Pie Blizzard.  Along with some yummy meatloaf. 

Next item of business: My YMCA challenge card... 

I'm rocking it.  21 classes to go.  And my Wednesday spin instructor was impressed with my numbers.  However, he keeps telling me how many people he knows have started going to classes regularly and lost a TON OF WEIGHT!... Listen hippy, I need you to shut your mouth and teach spin class.  And furthermore, your spin class is nothing compared to Friday's spin class... the one where the instructor gave me 2 signatures.  That's right! He's my favorite. 

Ahem.... Sorry about that...  

I also have a word for my yoga instructor, the one that I desperately want to be accepted by for some reason... He remembers everyone's names, but mine.  He engages in conversation with everyone, but me.  He corrects people's form and encourages them when they finally get a pose right, except ME! 

I was the only one in full wheel (backbend) on Tuesday, and I get out of it and he says, "no one's going to even try?"  WHAT THE?! Even the old lady next to me stood up for me.  She told him I did it.  And then asked if I was a gymnast... Why yes little old lady who can put her leg behind her head, I am a gymnast.  a 5'9" gymnast with hips.

Anyway, I did it 4 more times and still got no love.  I also almost had handstand last week and got no love.  What's up with that Drew? 

Monday, October 10, 2011

Tie Dye Cupcakes with multicolored frosting

Today was my cousin Olivia's birthday, and I LOVE Olivia.  I lay in bed at night thinking about what I should get her and what would make her happy.  She turned 12 this year and is rocking the Ames Middle School. 
My mom and I decided to give Olivia one of the first prototypes for our new craft business.  So my mom made the tote while I designed and created the felt cat.  
I'd say that's a pretty sweet library bag for a 12 year old!  

Much more on our business to come in the days ahead... But today I took a craft time-out to make some cupcakes for our family birthday party for Olivia.  
I had made tie dye cupcakes before for my dad's birthday.  I only made 4 of them though, not the whole batch, because I didn't know if my dad would like them.  Turns out he LOVED them, and I wished I had made a whole tin.  This time I was ready to tackle 12 rainbow bright cupcakes.  

I started with a normal cake batter and divided it into 5 bowls.
  After I colored each bowl like a rainbow, red, orange, yellow, green, blue.  I learned last time that purple just gets lost in blue.  No point in having both colors.   

Then I spooned equal amounts of the blue batter into each cupcake paper.  An easy way to make sure you're using the same amount is to use a cookie scoop.  Make sure to not overfill because it's easier to go back and put more of one color in each hole than it is to take some out.  
 Then came a scoop of green.

Yellow, orange, red... you get the idea.
 They got slightly overfilled... That's a little bit like being "over-served." nothing inherently bad about it...

They came out of the oven looking perfect!
 The frosting was the part I hadn't tried before.  Last time I made the rainbow cupcakes I just frosted them in white.  This time I took red, yellow, green and blue food coloring and painted a thick line on the inside of the pastry bag.  Then I carefully spooned the frosting in the bag. 
 The end result was a perfect multicolored stack of frosting!  Pretty professional if I do say so myself. 
 Next time I'll probably use a little less food coloring with the frosting.  A little goes a long way. 
 Olivia ended up with a rainbow face after going to town on the fluffy frosting.
 Everyone was pretty impressed. 
 That's just how I roll. 
 I love how vivid the colors come out after it's baked. 

I'd say another birthday under the belt.  (the slightly looser belt)...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fall Into Fitness

This isn’t really a Friday Favs.  I kinda did a Friday favs thing yesterday… plus, this is my blog! So shut up! 

Anyway.  What I’m SO excited about today is completely endorphin fueled.  I was fully planning on going to a 10:00 am workout class at the Walnut Creek YMCA, but I couldn’t fall asleep last night after I got off work…  So I just ended up going to a spin class at noon.  

I admit, I pledged to walk 1K for the “Start Somewhere” walk… And I didn’t.  Instead, I took an intense spin class with 3 guys discussing Ironman Madison…  I will also admit that I keep calling it the “Start Something” walk and I envision people on the streets of downtown DSM getting into it over parking spaces and spilled mochas.  

So the Des Moines Y is having a fall challenge where you get a signature for every class you take in October and November, and if you take 30 classes in 60 days you get a T-shirt.  Well… I am SO freaking motivated by free stuff it’s not even funny.  

So I found out about this challenge on Tuesday during my Yoga class, so I immediately got a card and got my first signature.  Since then, I took a spin class on Wednesday, went to an intense Y-Pump class on Thursday that I usually go to, and then took a spin class today when I would have usually just gone for a walk or done my own ‘stationary bike with a mag’ thing.  

As I’m walking out I’m counting my 4 signatures over and over again and I keep getting 5…  Tuesday… Wednesday… Thursday… Friday… AND ONE MORE?! What the heck? So as I get to my car in the parking lot I finally look at the signatures.  The spin dude today signed it twice!  Just because it was my lucky day!  I know he did it on purpose because… well, I just know!  I was totally geeking out in my car.  Clearly, I’m still geeking out.  

Thanks for making my day spin dude. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Whoa... They Have What?

 I don't often get excited about packaged food...  Mostly because I can make the same thing with real food and less of that unpronounceable mish mash... But in the last few days, I've stumbled upon some new fall foods I MUST try!  Don't worry, I promise to share.  :)

First of all, my dear friend Natalie told me about these White Chocolate Candy Corn M&Ms... They're sold exclusively at Walmart... Which I also don't frequent.  In fact I had to Google a location for a Walmart in Des Moines.  Alas, they didn't have any.  And when I asked the friendly Walmart staff member, she said, "I don't know... did you look in the candy isle?  Well then we don't have them..."
 Then, I was unassumingly checking Facebook when a little add popped up!  for Chex Mix Muddy Buddies!  Aka Puppy Chow!  Who knew Chex Mix made puppy chow...  Not me.  
Actually, one time I got an especially disgusting flavor of Chex Mix and penned a letter email to let them know what a mistake it was.  They promptly sent me coupons to try another flavor.  Wish they had these back then! 
AND THEN, I was reading a blog and found these puppies...  Trader Joe's S'mores Ice Cream Sandwiches.  I mean, COME ON.  Graham crackers with marshmallow-chocolate swirl gelato and milk chocolate flakes!  If it were me I'd mix in some charred mallow.  mmm.
 And then there are the old standbys that come around this time every year...  
Pumpkin Pie Blizzards!  Gotta have at least one.  It's like the Shamrock Shake... Totally wrong, but seasonally appropriate. 
AND Halloween Oreos.  For some reason the orange double stuff tastes better than white...  
I don't even really like Oreos... Call me crazy. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sushi Night

 Sushi night was a big success.  I had some girls I've met through my dear friend Emily and her workout classes.

When they showed up, they all said the same thing... You live in a SHADY apartment building!  And then when they got in my actual apartment they all agreed that it wasn't so bad.  Maybe even quaint. 
 I made the white puff-balls from some tissue paper I got at the dollar store, and those lanterns were from the dollar store too.  All in all, this banner cost me $4.
 I've been so excited to use my cart, and there just wasn't enough room on the rolling table for plates and utensils.  Perfect! 
 Emily picked up some sushi-grade tuna from Gateway Market that just melted in your mouth! A fancy change from my usual cheap-as-dirt veggi/crab homemade sushi rolls.
Notice her shirt says, "got food?"  We definitely had food.  Lots and lots of it.  We all recovered with a sushi coma siesta. 
I've had a few folks interested in attending a future fiesta, so I'll definitely be holding another event. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Dessert Sushi

I love making homemade sushi.  It's so easy to make and so fun to have a bunch of people over for a sushi  rolling party.  One thing that's always eluded me though, is a dessert to serve at a sushi party.  
One time I tried to serve fruit sushi, but it didn't taste good and it all fell apart.
I don't like green tea ice cream and I don't feel like a fortune cookie is fun enough.  Dessert is my favorite part of the meal, so I like to do it up.  

So today I got up the courage to tackle some dessert sushi. 
 I mixed up the rice krispy treats (as the rice).
I am well versed in the art of the rice krispy treat. It's my dad's favorite food.

 Once the rice krispy treats start to set up, I took half of the batch and I used a cookie scoop to make even sizes and then pinched them into a nigiri shaped oval. 
The other half I pressed into a thin sheet in the pan.  (later I use those for the rolls)

 I topped the "rice" with a swedish fish (mwa haha) and a strip of fruit roll up.  

 So cute!

 The thin layer of krispy treat got cut into strips and placed on thick strips of fruit roll up.  The middle of the "sushi" is just sour gummy worms.  
I left a little fruit roll up on the top so it would come all the way around and overlap once I rolled it.  That way it stays together and doesn't try to unroll.
Rainbow rolls anyone? 

I had a pretty domestic day.  I finished altering a bridesmaids dress for a girl I work with and dropped it off.  And then my friend Angie needed help getting her VINTAGE sewing machine working.  She couldn't quite figure out how to thread it.  I got it threaded pretty easily, but the stitch just wasn't working.  I searched the interwebs and finally found out that the needle was in wrong!  I was SO happy I could get it working for her.  I really felt like I'm pretty good at this sewing thing.