Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A Summer Bucket List

I'm sick and tired of this cold.  There, I said it.  I had been just putting up with it without a peep because I'm the one who moved back here from warm New Orleans... I'm the one who has put up with 20-some winters and never thought, gee... I should just move to California for good and have summer year-round.  Well, I'm sick of it.  Winter, BE GONE!

The first day of spring is Thursday, and I'm expecting a magical weather transformation... Anything less will be heartbreaking. But while I'm drudging through the next few days, I might as well think about all the adventures I want to go on this summer...

1. Go camping!  My BF hates the idea of camping (he has never been) so I might have to go stag.

2. 10K or Half Marathon.  I planned on doing the Dam to Dam race here in DSM, but it's the same day as my friend's wedding, and my asthma has been kicking my rear lately, so until it warms up, I'll be walking on a treadmill.
3. Mud Volleyball. It just sounds like a good idea right now.
4. Take another Wilton class.  Ahem Amber, Elizabeth...

This is my first Wilton Class cake!

5. Go to an outdoor concert. They just announced the lineup for Nitefall on the River and two bands I LOVE are on it! Fitz & the Tantrums and Blue October! 
6. Go fishing more than once.When I was little I wanted to be a professional fisherwoman! Did you know that?
7. Blog more consistently and figure out this Adsense thing.  Anyone have it figured out?  
8. 90 day health program at church! A friend at church told me about a grant we could get for participating in a 90 day health program, but someone has to create it... and that someone is going to be ME!
9. Clean out my closet and donate worn out and outdated clothes...  Now this is a closet I can handle!
10. Don't waste a single drop of my CSA. I love my farmer and I love his produce, but sometimes I get lazy or I don't quite know what to do with some of the veggies.  I pay for it, might as well eat it all!

What's on your summer bucket list? 

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