Friday, July 6, 2012

Caramel Apple Eggrolls. A Twist on a Grandma Link Recipe

One of my favorite memories of my Grandma Link is that every Sunday morning she would have a breakfast spread out and my family and my aunts and cousins would come over and eat before church.  She would make coffee cake, pecan rolls, apple crisp, pies... She would have more food than we could even dream of eating. 
One of the pies I loved was a caramel apple pie.  It's a bittersweet memory though.  A few years ago she was getting sick and confused and I brought a caramel apple pie over to her and my grandpa.  She took a slice right away, which should have been a hint that something wasn't quite right, my grandma didn't eat much of anything... She always said she'd eat some later.  But on this day, she took a big slice and ate it all.  When she was done, she asked what kind of pie it was.  I told her, it's caramel apple!  She replied, "I don't think I've ever had that before." 
I was devastated.  She has won awards for her baking, and this was HER recipe that she used to make almost every Sunday morning.  That was when I realized what the dementia was doing to her mind. 
She passed away this last winter after many years of confusion, but I know her recipes will stick around the family for a long time.  The girl cousins get together every December and make some of our favorites for Christmas. 
This recipe for apple pie eggrolls came through pinterest and I knew I had to dress it up Grandma Link style with some caramel bits. 

My cousins and I discovered these little life savers a few years ago when we were shopping for our Christmas baking supplies.  Grandma Link put caramel in everything from mini tarts we call Tea Topics to caramel rice krispies..  She would have been excited about this little time-saver

We (and my Grandma) used to unwrap each and every caramel! These save time and are eco friendly... ish. 

Here's my adapted recipe.  (I can make an apple pie filling with my eyes closed. )
Caramel Apple Eggrolls
3 Green Apples, peeled and diced
1/3 cup sugar
2 Tablespoons of flour
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
pinch of salt
1/2 bag of Caramel Bits
2 T diced butter
16-20 Eggroll wrappers

Now, I didn't double up on the eggroll wrappers like the blogger suggested... that was a mistake. The filling spilled out of almost every one. I highly recommend doubling up, so I changed that in my original recipe. Doubling up will also let you pack a little more filling in each eggroll.

Toss the diced apples with the sugar, flour, cinnamon and salt. 

Place the mixture in a line toward the middle of the diamond-shaped eggroll wrapper.  Sprinkle a few Caramel Bits and some butter chunks over the apples. 

Fold the bottom corner up and over the mixture, and the two sides toward the middle. 

Wet the top corner with a little water, roll it up into a tube and put it on a greased cookie sheet.

Spray the tops with a little Pam and sprinkle some sugar over them. 

Bake for 30 minutes at 350. 

My grandma even used to have these same plates!  She would probably ask what an eggroll was.... But I think she would love this twist on a family favorite.  

What are some of your family favorites? 


  1. Those look amazing! My grandma used to make killer cream puffs and almond bars.
