Thursday, September 27, 2012

Making a List, Checking it Twice

I go to the gym to decompress, de-stress...  I'm totally addicted to the endorphins, and I feel like a normal person when I've had a good sweat session. 

Today, I hit the weights.  I wanted to give my tootsies a little rest, they were starting to scream at me for all the running I've been doing lately. 

Today's workout: (Weight = right and left barbells added together)
Bench Press with Barbells 40 lbs 3x10
Tricep Extensions (scull crushers) 24 lbs 3x10
Bicep Curls 40 lbs 3x10
Incline Dumbbell Fly 24 lbs 3x10
Shoulder Press 30 lbs 4x6
(Get an even workout by hitting biceps, triceps, shoulders, back and chest)

Step-ups on weight bench 3x6
Leg Curls 50 lbs 3x10
Machine Squat 210 lbs 3x10
(Not gonna lie, I do mostly workouts that target my glutes.)

20 minutes on the stationary bike to flush the legs out

Also, the joy of every-other-Thursday... Grocery list day!
I love making lists and spreadsheets.  I have endless to-do lists (they never get done, but I love making them) and gigabytes of excel spreadsheets. 

Here's an awkward funny story (boys, skip ahead) I used to be embarrassed to write things like tampons and pads on my grocery list, so I spelled them backwards.  Sdap, Snopmat... 
Here's the plan for Whole Life Challenge weeks 3&4

Beef Tacos in lettuce wraps
Tilapia Tacos in lettuce wraps
Dry Rubbed Oven Baked Pork Spare Ribs
Bacon-Wrapped Pork Roast with Apples and Onions
Bunless burgers
Coconut-Orange Pound Cake

I was browsing Hy-Vee's website to check the sale items, and I found out that they have this AWESOME new feature that I'm borderline obsessed with.  You can look through their ad online, click on the page, and add each item to your grocery list.  It tells you how much it costs, when the sale ends...  Pretty freaking awesome.  I planned my whole week around the meat that's on sale and I took note of  the produce that's on sale, so I don't have to scour the isles for the best deal. 

This solidified my choice to shop at Hy-Vee.  Plus, I'm always surprised, but I always seem to get out of there under budget. 


  1. Lists are pretty much my FAVORITE THING EVER (with exception to my kid)! I make them every single day, even if it's just for stuff I always do, like make my bed, walk the dog. HA!
    Your weights look killer. Have you ever tried CrossFit? The hubs has me doing modified workouts and I love 'em. If you're ever interested I have a bunch written down that I could shoot your way (lots of squats and such, your glutes would appreciate:)!

    1. That would be awesome! The challenge I'm doing is based out of a bunch of Crossfit gyms. I've been really interested in trying it out, but the gym in town that does it is like $90 a month! yeesh. I'll send you my email address on fb!
